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How to Beat Blue Monday–Top 10 tips to boost your wellbeing

Posted by Natalie Dawson on

How to Beat Blue Monday – Top 10 tips to boost your wellbeing turn this dreary blue Monday into Positive Monday

What is Blue Monday & When is it? 

Blue Monday is a term that has been used in the UK to describe the most depressing day of the year which is the third Monday in January. The idea behind this is that after Christmas and New Year, people are often left feeling tired, stressed and down. Many people will feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do over January and February. So if you're feeling like this today, here are some tips on how to beat Blue Monday and turn it into Positive Monday:

Blue Monday can be a bit daunting but there are lots of small steps we can do to boost our wellbeing and step into February with a smile!

Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is conspiring against you to make your life harder, but there are some simple things we can do to make ourselves feel a little happier on Blue Monday. Here are our top tips for banishing the blues and making February feel just that little bit brighter:

  • Take time out for self-care. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, take some time out for yourself – whether that means taking a bath with candles and an Awesome Whipped Soap, reading a book or just playing board games with friends in front of the telly (yes, board games!). Your wellbeing will thank you later!
  • Get outside as much as possible. It might be cold outside but fresh air can really help lift your mood so grab your coat and explore somewhere new this weekend! Try heading out somewhere local like the North Pennines where there is plenty of space to roam freely without bumping into lots of people, you can take in the views at Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a UNESCO Global Geopark
  • Pamper yourself –Treat yourself to something nice from Award Winning Awesome Botanical! They have lots of lovely products which will make both your skin look great plus also keep those blues away…or even better why not treat someone else? Give them something special from Awesome Botanical too! You could even create an amazing gift set yourself; either way it’s sure to brighten up their day!

1. Make a cup of tea and relax

women with hands and cup of tea




2. Write down three things you are grateful for

  • Write down three things you are grateful for. It doesn't have to be anything big. It can be anything you want!
  • For example: a hug from your child, a cup of tea, or the fact that they gave you the day off work because it's so depressing outside...
  • The idea is to find something that makes you smile and will lift your spirits.
  • You can use a piece of paper or you could use a Journal I like to use these notepads from one of my favourite small businesses in the North East Rhianne Sian Designs

3.Get out in the fresh air - take a walk

  • Get out in the fresh air.
  • Take a walk.

There are so many ways you can walk outdoors: around the block, through a park, to your friend’s house, to the shops and even to work or a local cafe! If you live near or on top of hills then this is an even better option as it helps you burn calories without feeling like you are working hard at it. Walking has also been proven by scientists to reduce stress levels while boosting our moods so it’s definitely worth getting those trainers on!

4.Have a pamper time - maybe have a bath or facemask

It's great to just relax and unwind in the evening, especially after such a long week! Putting your feet up and having a nice soak is one of the best ways to do this. If you don't want to use an actual bathtub, you could also fill up your washing up bowl with warm water and soak feet for 15-20 min with our Humbug 

humbug Epsom salt foot soak

Epsom Salt foot Soak. Alternatively, if you're feeling more adventurous, why not try out a face mask? Our Glow Face Mask a nutrient-rich powder face mask. Containing Rose hip & pink clay it is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Nourishing pink clay provides a deeply effective vitamin-rich mask that will encourage healthy looking glowing skin. If none of these options appeal then perhaps consider taking yourself off for some foot therapy; many salons now offer pedicures which include exfoliation, moisturising lotion and massage – perfect for when we're stressed out!


5.Put some happy music on and dance around your living space

  • Put on some happy music and dance around your living space.
  • Move your body to the music and just let it move you.
  • Breathe deeply and enjoy the sensation of being alive!

6.Look at some positive quotes to motivate you to be the best version of yourself today

Blue Monday is also known as the most depressing day of the year. If you’re feeling down or unmotivated, look at some positive quotes to motivate you to be the best version of yourself today.

Positive quotes can have a positive impact on your mood and overall wellbeing. They remind us what it truly means to be happy and help us focus on the good things in life. I have a wall in my office full of positive quotes, which I can look up and remind my self of how Awesome I am. Most of the prints on my wall are from here

You can find inspiration from famous people, friends and family members or even yourself!

7.Have a good old de-clutter, maybe start in one draw for 5 mins, I find this really refreshing

De-cluttering is a great way to give your home and office a quick refresh.

There are lots of different ways to go about it, but here's how I like to do it:

  • Start with one drawer in your kitchen or bathroom cupboard.
  • Take everything out of the drawer and lay it on the floor or table in front of you.
  • Sort through each item and decide if you want to keep it or not. If so, place them back in neatly; if not, donate or throw away now! You'll find this much easier if you get someone else to help as they can put things away while you're sorting through other items.* Repeat with another drawer until all drawers are done.* Repeat again with any other tins / boxes / bags that contain clutter around the house (this could include under beds etc).

8.Think about the rest of the week and what can boost your mood for the remainder of January. Maybe look at booking something in.

  • Think about the rest of the week and what can boost your mood for the remainder of January. Maybe look at booking something in for the weekend so that you have something to look forward, a meal out or a walk-in fresh air.
  • What are your goals for the week? Is there something specific that you want to achieve?
  • How can you be a better person, or help someone else?

9.If you're feeling lonely, why not contact a friend who is also feeling sad and arrange a coffee morning or evening meet up?

It can be hard to get out of the house on blue monday and it's good to talk to someone who understands what you're going through.

10. Watch something fun on TV

We can often feel guilty for sitting and watching a TV programme when there is so much around the house that needs doing, but as my therapist once told me there is nothing wrong with sitting and watching a programme or 3, sometimes we just need to switch off and DO NOTHING this is OKAY allow your body time to decompress. 

Top 10 Tips to boost your wellbeing and beat Blue Monday

 I hope these tips have helped you to feel more positive about Blue Monday. Remember, we all have bad days but it’s important to keep yourself in check. Having a cup of tea, doing some yoga or having some pamper time is always good for your wellbeing!

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